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Hi! I'm so glad you're here!   

I am a corporate dropout and recovering co-dependent, people pleaser. To say that I was miserable, down, depressed, and hopeless is an understatement... Until I decided to toss it all out and start over. At 37. Scary. 

I spent the first decade of my adult life doing what I thought I was supposed to do. Going to college, getting a graduate degree, getting a good job, buying a house, climbing the ladder, getting married, saving for retirement, starting to think about babies...

But it didn't feel right. None of it. 

So, at my heaviest and most depressed, I started a fitness journey with yoga. Yoga led me to India twice to deepen my understanding of myself and everything started to shift. 

I ripped up the roadmap. I set my whole life on fire.  I left the marriage just in time to face the pandemic which catapulted me into the deep healing work that I didn’t even know I had been dodging. IT. WAS. HARD. I wished I had someone to guide me through it. I wanted to become that beacon for others. And, just like that, By Way of Grey was born…

Now I'm on a mission to help other people discover what it took me two decades to figure out - how small shifts, a partner (that's me!), and ownership of your journey can be life-altering. 

Together, we can love life in the messy middle. 

Love,  Laura

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